Setningar (Vocabulary for 8/7/2002)

Instead of single words, I thought I'd post a few useful phrases today.

Talarðu...                     Do you speak...
...íslensku?                   ...Icelandic?
...ensku?                      ...English?

Já, en ég er bara að læra.     Yes, but I'm just learning.
Svolítið.                      A little.
Nei, ég tala bara ensku.       No, I only speak English.

Hvað er að frétta?             What's up?
Ekkert mikið.                  Not much.

Ég skil ekki.                  I don't understand.
Ég veit ekki.                  I don't know.
Mér er saman.                  I don't care.

Hvað er þetta?                 What is that?
Þetta er...                    That is...

Mér líkar við þig.             I like you.
Ég elska þig.                  I love you.

Hvað ertu gamall/gömul?        How old are you (male/female)?

Check out the huge collection of phrases and vocabulary at:

There's also a short pronunciation guide there, with sound files.

